Jill C. Delaney, LCSW
Senior Fellow, The Personality Disorders Institute, Department of Psychiatry, Weill Cornell Medical College.
Associate Clinical Faculty, Weill Medical College of Cornell, Department of Psychiatry.
Founding Member and Officer of TFP-NYC.
TFP Supervisor and therapist.
TFP, Psychodynamic Psychotherapy and Psychoanalytic private practice in NYC. Adults and couples.
Highlighted Publications
Diana Diamond Ph.D., Frank E. Yeomans M.D., Barry Stern Ph.D., Kenneth N. Levy Ph.D., Susanne Hörz Ph.D., Stephan Doering M.D., Melitta Fischer-Kern Ph.D., Jill Delaney M.S.W. & John F. Clarkin Ph.D. (2013). Transference Focused Psychotherapy for Patients with Comorbid Narcissistic and Borderline Personality Disorder, Psychoanalytic Inquiry: A Topical Journal for Mental Health Professionals, 33:6, 527-551, DOI: 10.1080/07351690.2013.815087.
Delaney, J.C., Yeomans, F.E., Stone, M., & Haran, C. (2008). Incidence de certains facteurs sur l’issue d’une psychotherapie dans un essai clinique randomise aupres de patients avec trouble de personnalite limite. Sante Mentale au Québec, XXXIII, 1, 15-36.
Yeomans F.E., & Delaney J. (2008). Transference-Focused Psychotherapy as a Means to Change the Personality Structure that Underlies Borderline Personality Disorder. Social Work in Mental Health, 6(1/2), 157-170.
Clarkin, John, Foelsch, Pamela, Levy, Kenneth, Hull, James, Delaney, Jill & Kernberg, Otto. (2002). The Development of a Psychodynamic Treatment for Patients with Borderline Personality Disorder: A Preliminary Study of Behavioral Change. Journal of Personality Disorders 01/2002; 15(6):487-95. DOI:10.1521/pedi.15.6.487.19190.
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