Frank E. Yeomans, MD, PhD
Dr. Yeomans is Clinical Associate Professor of Psychiatry at the Weill Medical College of Cornell University, Director of Training at the Personality Disorders Institute of Weill-Cornell, Lecturer in Psychiatry at the Columbia University College of Physicians and Surgeons Center for Psychoanalytic Training and Research, and Director of TFP-New York, LLC in Manhattan. He graduated from Harvard College and went on to obtain his M.D. from the Yale University School of Medicine and complete his training in psychiatry at the Payne Whitney Clinic of the New York Presbyterian Hospital-Weill Medical College.
Dr. Yeomans’ primary interests are the development, investigation, teaching, and practice of psychotherapy for personality disorders. He has participated in establishing training programs for psychodynamic therapy of personality disorders in numerous sites in North America and Europe. He has authored and co-authored numerous articles and books, including A Primer on Transference-Focused Psychotherapy for the Borderline Patient, and Psychotherapy for Borderline Personality: Focusing on Object Relations, co-authored with Drs. John Clarkin and Otto Kernberg. He was the head of the team of TFP therapists in the RCT reported on in the article “Evaluating three treatments for borderline personality disorder: a multiwave study” that appeared in the American Journal of Psychiatry in June 2007.
Highlighted Publications
Yeomans FE, Delaney JC, Levy KN. Behavioral Activation in TFP: The Role of the Treatment Contract in Transference-Focused Psychotherapy. Psychotherapy 2017: 54(3): 260-266.
Radcliffe, J, Yeomans, FE. Transference-Focused Psychotherapy for Patients with Personality Disorders: Overview and Case Example with a Focus on the Use of Contracting. British Journal of Psychotherapy 35, 1 (2019) 4-23.
Yeomans FE, Levy K, Caligor E: Transference-focused psychotherapy. Psychotherapy, vol. 50, 3, 2013, pp.449- 453.
Kernberg OF, Yeomans FE, Clarkin JF, Levy KN: Transference Focused Psychotherapy: Overview and Update. International Journal of Psychoanalysis 2008; 89: 601-620.

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